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 10/7/2024 - Touring the Sweet East & EWQ3

  It's been a second, Wayne Family...... We have a lot to discuss.

  I've been meaning to update this page for like, months, and it's taken a shot throat and 12+ hours of sleep to get me on neocities writing this right now. A lot has happened! BICS went great, TCAF went great, and over the summer we got into a couple more shows! For the first time we have a bit of a schedule, letting us relax a little applications-wise. 2025? Who knows. But the end of this year is looking great, which I say with confidence because we literally just tabled at our first stop, Richmond Zine Fest. It was sick! It was a joy to meet all the other artists and get familiarized with the local scene, one that I hope to see again. And DC Zine Fest is but a few weeks away! Make sure to catch us there... if you're rad... (A bigger post about MICE will come when it's closer to the date)

  Another thing to catch up on is Epic Wayne Quarterly. The second volume has been published and spread through across the world (probably) for quite a few months now, and we still have plenty in stock if you want to grab a copy for yourself. But the Epic Wayne Train never stops moving... and the applications for the third volume are already open! The magazine has always been open to all non-comics art, but we're placing an emphasis on it this time. So get to writing! Or painting! Or whatever it is you non-comics weirdos do. Expect this next volume to be better than ever, and of course it will coming next quarter.

  Anyways I have to go to the bank to deposit the cold hard cash we made in Richmond. This will be a test run to see if I can go out today despite a sore throat. I got Julien Baker tickets.

 3/18/2024 - Short Updates (BICS!!)

  Hello again! This one's gonna be breezy but there's some important news we have to drop right NOW!!

   Firstly, thank you to whoever submitted work to Epic Wayne Quarterly #2! We got way more applications than we thought and it was difficult to narrow down the group we wanted to include. But that's been done, and acceptance/rejection emails were sent out a few weeks ago. The volume itself is far into its production and soon it will be physically avaliable to hold in your very hands! I will of course make another post when a release date is in sight.

  Secondly, in addition to being at TCAF this May we will also be tabling at the Brooklyn Independent Comics Showcase! We only got this news ourselves and we are hustling to get our shit together in time but we are ready to make our true comics fest debut. The con takes place on April 13 at Industry City, Brooklyn. Mark your calendars!

  Finally, and I know this is vague, but as the school-year comes to an end many of the Epic Wayne artists are finishing their senior thesis books, which will be put for sale on this site's store as they get completed. A little birdie told me the first one will be up sometime this week...

  Ok that's it thanks for reading lol.

 1/1/2024 - NEW BOOKS & TCAF!!

  Happy 2024 from everyone at Epic Wayne Press!

  It's been a while since there was a new blog post on this site but we come into the new year with great news only. Firstly, we are expecting to have an incredible lineup of new books in 2024. With many of the members graduating SVA's cartooning program this summer, they will all have brand new comics to show to the world. There will be a more proper announcement of these new works closer to their release, but be excited for upwards of 10 new titles before the halfway point of this year. Additionally there will be more editions of Epic Wayne Quarterly, with a CALL FOR OPEN SUBMISSIONS live right now! You can find the link here, the deadline is in just over a month. We can't wait to see what you have to offer to the publication!

  The other great news is that Epic Wayne Press will be officially tabling at the Toronto Comic Arts Festival in 2024! This has been one the largest concrete goals of our collection since its formation and our excitement is through the roof. We will give out more information (for example our table number) when it is given closer to the convention (May 11-12, 2024) and in the meantime will continue to build our library and ensure we have a great collection of comic at. If you end up attending TCAF make sure to stop by and show your support!

  That's all for now, expect another blog update (along with slight changes to the overallsite) soon! And once again thank you for reading Epic Wayne Press.


  Hey, it's been a while!

  This is girlboss-in-chief Cyd, with some hot fresh updates for you Wayneheads: First off, we've just officially signed two extremely cool new artists, Emily Zullo and Maggie Michel!!! Teo thinks it's cringe to say "cool", but these artists are so overwhelmingly cool that I'm at a loss for more creative words. You might remember Em from our guest contributors portion of Epic Wayne Quarterly #1, which you should buy...

  In an incredibly elegant segue, we have lots of brand new stuff on the store!!! This includes works from both Maggie and Emily, as well as several other works from our pre-existing roster! Other bloggy updates... Hmm... In case you missed it, Epic Wayne Quarterly #1 is in stock IN PERSON at The Beguiling in Toronto, Canada (where me, Cyd's, comics are also in stock), Desert Island in Brooklyn, New York, and Million Year Picnic in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.

  I think that's pretty much it. Keep an eye on our socials, like our Instagram (oh yeah! we have an Instagram!) for more updates, and the chance that we'll be at an indie comic convention near you. Probably just chilling as attendees, but we're lonely people, so say hi...

  Okay, Cyd out! Stay epic!


  I know it looks like there's been a large gap between blog updates but we actually deleted soome previous ones by accident and cannot recover them. This sounds made up but I shit you not we are simply just doing ourselves no favors.

  Anyways we have two really big announcements to present to you, the loyal Epic Wayne Press blog reader! Firstly, our store is FINALLY up and running! If you click on the "Store" button at the top of this page you'll be transported to the now-functioning shop and catalog of all things Epic Wayne Press. Instructions on how to purchase books can be found there too, and the catalog of work is only going to get bigger from here! We can't wait to be in contact with you to give you the gift of Epic Wayne Press, and I am definitely not overusing that as an all-encompassing phrase in this post.

  Additionally, the hottest newest item in the store is EPIC WAYNE QUARTERLY #1! This is the very first collaborative project between the Epic Wayne Press team: an 84-page compilation of cartooning, notes on art, and an interview with our very own Apollo Baltazar. More info can be found on its page in the store.

  That's all for now! Be ready for even more exciting news around the corner...


  In the week since starting this website we've made a lot of changes to make it better. Although we've been handing this site around to friends for feedback (and the fact that it's just been a public site regardless) we are now officially beginning the promoting process! If you're here from one of the artists sending a link out stick around and check things out! Our newly finished gallery is full of impressive art to look at (although I am unsure how quick it loads lmao). Additionally, we are about to apply for our first convention! Whether or not we get it is not up to us (wink wink) but we hope to apply to many more in the future, and eventually get our footing as a legitimate physical media distributor. Even more news is right around the corner so make sure to check this site for updates! -Teo

  Whoa! My first entry on the blog! I don't have much to say though... I just want to thank everyone on our team, both our lovely artists and our awesome webmaster, for putting this together. I sense great things in our future! I'm looking forward to working with you! And uhh... Stay epic? -Cyd


  It's here! What was originally a joke concept based on a dril tweet has now turned into a real project! Albeit still on a very small scale, Epic Wayne Press is now up and running as a real collective that creates and distributes visual art of all kinds (zines, graphic novels, etc.) We currently only have a handful of official members but we hope to continue to expand as time moves on. But in the meantime, we already have several books on sale! Please browse this brand new website to find all the information you need to get in on the Epic Wayne Press experience! This main page will be updated whenever there's news about the collective, so make sure to keep an eye on us! That's all for now and thank you for reading!

Epic Wayne Quarterly #2








A Former Fat Kid's 22 Year Long Lament by Apollo Baltazar


Pit Stop by Elias Anderson


A Collection of Excerpts From the Novel: The Master and Margarita by Teo Suzuki


Styxville by Cyd Levine