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By Teo Suzuki

Dimensions: 7" x 10"

Pages: 100

Price: $10.00 USA

Damien fights in duels to the death in Davidson, one of the two cities remaining after a deadly meteor shower decades ago. After a railroad gets built between his town and Plutopia, the wealthier of the two cities, Damien meets Victoria, a girl his age who's running away from home. They immediately hit it off and soon enough fall in love, despite a growing conflict in the world. Whether it's the catastrophe casued by Victoria's departure or the relationships from Damein's past, these imminent trials cannot stop the two of them from bringing the best out of each other.

Midpoint was the very first book put out by Epic Wanye Press. It had a short run of 50 comics and is SOLD OUT!! However, another edition may be in the works...